She works with several black men who like to tease and flirt with her, and I encourage her to flirt back. Also have been incorporating IR dvd's into our regular foreplay and even whispering fantasies of her becoming a black man's sex toy when we're having sex...

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My wife bas been a hotwife.for 5 yrars we recently tslked thst she eanted a very well.endowed ba k.msn.at lesst 10 in. She found one we meet and we both liked him so she set a time im the following week.she spent the wekend with him

Both privately and in public she id mow a blackened hotwife..she says that not only for sex it they are goimg to date and hsve an IR relationship and going to lack clubs etc she tolc him.that shd id her black.boyfriend and ehen.they ate togerhet she will dress for.thr black culture including QS JEWELRY AND TEMP. QS TATTOOS SND SHE PLANS TO SPEND ONE WEKEND A MONTH WITH HIM. SHE SSYS THAT THE.ONLY WAY TO FEEL.FULLY BLACKENED BEYOND SEX

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Great story

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