My wife fell for her bull. It was very hard at first and took me awhile. I wanted to stop it but also she was happy and I wanted it to continue. I started reading a lot on poly marriages and it actually helped me better understand love and cuckolding and where I was doing it from a shameful place. Her and her boyfriend are very happy now. I'm her LOML and best friend. Once I was able to overcome the fear of losing her, I encouraged her and she is the happiest she has ever been.

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She can fall in love all she wants. That doesn’t mean I’m going to take her. I will make every part of her body feel good… except for her heart. She needs to look elsewhere for that.

If your girl leaves you after I’ve fucked her, it just wasn’t meant to be. Move on. Find a girl that knows the difference between love and sexual ecstasy. Give her all of your love, and share her without having fear of loosing her. With your involvement, I will give her what you cannot… and she will love you all the more for it.

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My wife dated another man for almost a year with my knowledge. After about eight months she told me she did not trust her feelings for him. She said it was like she was falling in love. I am so addicted to the wild rush or being a cuckold that I encouraged her to explore her feelings and their relationship. I suggested they take a weekend get away to spend more time together. They rented a house in the Colorado mountains for three nights the following weekend. The entire time they were gone I was a mess with mixed up emotions of jealousy, lust, fear of losing my wife to him, constantly horny. I was and still am attracted, like a moth to a flame, to the dangers if being a cuckold. When she returned she told me that he said he loved her and wanted her to leave me for him. She started to cry. I held her. The she told me she loves him too.

She emotional had a hard time. I comforted her but still did not interfere in their relationship. She finally broke up with him because he started to push her when he should have been patient. I honestly believe if he had played it just a little slower he would have successfully stolen my wife.

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Well I have actually faced that issue. My wife's bull wanted her to leave me for him, mostly because he did not want to share her with any man including me, her husband. The fact that she was no longer having sex with me didn't matter to him. He wanted her for himself. Period. When my wife approached me with what he wanted, I simply told her it was absolutely up to her and that if she chose to leave with him I would still love her and if it did not work out in the long run I would be there to support her, if she wanted to come back. I also reminded her that I would also have my conditions and it was only one. That if she came back to me, I wanted her to continue sleeping with other men.

She chose to stop seeing him, but he was persistent. It was foolish on his part. She chose to rid herself of him by seeing another guy that he knew. It was just too much for him. He actually came to me to tell me all about their escapades and to return all the cards and love letters she written to him and included a nice little red teddy she would wear for him when they had sex.

We chatted in my garage and he told me about all the times they had sex and he especially enjoyed telling me about the times they did it on special occasions like my birthday, our wedding anniversary and the such. He thought it would get me angry enough to leave her. What he did not know was how turned on I was about it all.

I told him he was wasting his time because I loved her slutty side and if he made up with her I was ok if he kept having her. I mean he really was a true bull and I liked my wife sleeping with the best. He said he was finished with her, but if he wasn't he certainly didn't need my permission. As he told me that he was standing right in my face and towering over me. He was a big, tall man. Very intimidating. He thought I was afraid, but what I was thinking was damn what a man, he obviously does whatever he wants. No wonder my wife liked him.

If he wasn't so angry I might have offered to suck his cock. I'm sure my wife was going to miss him. I'm sure she did as after him she went from man to man for some time. She finally found a man she liked enough to be her regular for a long long time. He was from our church and I would see him and his wife every Sunday and every Sunday as soon as services where over she would meet him for the rest of the day. I would just go home and wait for her. Eventually his wife caught on and threatened to divorce him so that one ended.

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You are the ideal cuckold, married to a loving and loyal hotwife. It is clear both you and your wife understand that love and sex are not the same.

When your wife’s bull indicated he wanted to take her away from you, her first instinct was to ask how you felt about that. The answer you gave shows you recognize your limitations, and that you remain willing to provide freedom and encouragement for your wife to find fulfillment with other men.

She made the correct choice to stay with you. Although she has not yet found chemistry with another “main” bull, I’m sure she eventually will. In the meantime, you two should enjoy sampling many bulls who are capable of filling your wife with ecstasy. It’s obvious you are already providing everything else she needs.

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Melvin or do you prefer some other label of respect? Thank you for your reply to my comment on the topic of wive's falling for their bulls. As you may imagine, as a cuckold I have a tremendous amount of respect for bulls, especially seeing how they have a way of giving my wife thrills that I have never come close to achieving. It means a lot to me to have a bull's consideration. It means even more that I do what's necessary for my wife's happiness.

The situation I described in my reply happened to us in 2003. We have discussed it a couple of times since then and how to handle it if it ever happens again. My wife always tells me it will never happen again. She assures me that she would never take a chance on leaving me. She says she realizes that husbands like me are rare and that even her vanilla girlfriends have horror stories about how their husbands behave with them. My wife has no such stories and when her girlfriends ask her how that is, without letting our secret out, she simply tells them we figure out how to work through our issues a long time ago. It has worked for us all these years and neither of us sees any reason to change things.

I guess this was a long way of telling you thank you for your, for lack of a better term, approval. I have always recognized the power and authority a bull has in a cuckold situation. I truly appreciate you recognizing me as a good cuckold.

Thank you and please do continue bringing sexual satisfaction and happiness to cuckold couples. Men like you play an important role in the happiness and satisfaction of our wives

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It is only human nature that one of us or both of us fall in love with someone else of what if it was different. I would like to see the my wife be more adventurous with other people or women. I want her to explore and experience having fun in pleasure. Even if it involved being with a Bull or Lover and being part of it.

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I would probably try and stop her from leaving but it may not be possible

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My wife was falling for her first and only real ‘lover’. He had defo fallen for her as his and mine further conversations showed. If he hadn’t have messed it up I’m unsure as to where it might have ended. I was for encouraging it. I am still on for encouraging it. I have never seen my wife so utterly aroused as she was by him. I have also never seen any man as big as he was perform as long and as good as he did. I could easily understand their mutual desire. I would happily re-unite them and encourage them both come what may.

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I hope it's ok if this little wife shares some of my own simple thoughts here, copied from my post on another site.

(Sorry, English is not my first language, so Google Translate...)

Long term relationship that also contains loving feelings is what I prefer with my black lover.

But this must of course not exclude that I want to supplement with a temporary and quick adventure sometimes.

A very hot but loving friendship in the relationship between me and my black lover, preferably our relationship should develop and also be filled with deep feelings at the same time as it gets hotter and more and more characterized by free and open horniness.

With my black lovers encouragement and under his clear guidance, it develops to that I have to completely abandon my limits and let go of all my previous limitations.

For me, it is quite obvious that loving feelings will develop and are desirable between me and my black lover, in the long term relationship.

Otherwise, the adventure and its sex life I want to experience can not be as extraordinary as I think it should be in this lifestyle, if it should even be interesting enough for me to engage in.

Long term also because for me it is definitely about feelings that are a form of love.

This develops when our sex life gets better and better, it develops when he gets to know me and becomes both a more skilled lover but also that a good lover learns more and more how he will meet me, press the buttons that are right for me, so that my mind will be maximally open.

I especially open up completely when he repeatedly manages to make me feel the hottest and deepest horniness.

All this causes deep and loving feelings to flow between us and into my innermost being.

But the strong passionate love I develop for my black lover is not quite the same as the deep genuine love and respect I feel for my white husband.

In order for the long term and loving relationship with my black lover to develop into something extraordinary, and not bring something negative, it is also an advantage if there is a measure of friendship and mutual respect between my black lover and my white husband.

All this I have said is in my view preferable for the relationship with my black lover to be both harmonious and full of hottest and horniest experiences between the two of us.

While at the same time everyday life and my marriage should continue to be harmonious and characterized by mutual true love for me and my husband. This is a very important foundation for me and for my marriage to my white husband.

The hot feelings of love that I feel for my black lover are a completely different kind of love than the deep and genuine mutual love that I share with my beloved husband.

The fact that I have feelings of love for my black lover does not in any way mean that my deep and genuine love for my husband would be less, but rather the opposite.

My love is not limited to a certain amount but my total amount of love increases when I will also develop loving feelings to my long term black lover.

It's as obvious as that I do not love my firstborn baby less when the second is born, or that the sum of my love for my mom and pa does not decrease when I fall in love with my husband.

I love my husband, it is a deep, genuine and mutual love.

But that does not stop me from also feeling the kind of hot love for my black lover, maybe a bit like that youthful hot summer love.

With what I said above, I also have to consider, and is probably easy to understand for everyone, that of course it would hit me very, very hard if my black lover broke up with me, or if our hot and loving relationship had to be ended by some other reason. I would for sure suffer very deeply and severely in my innermost feelings.

But I hope and believe that my husband will pick me up, take care of me and comfort me.

I just hope that he will have enough patience and that his love for me will last even though as I think I will suffer emotionally for quite a long time.

I hope that my husband will be able to help me deal with the feelings of great loss that will afflict me, and that will probably repeat itself over a fairly long period of time.

I will suffer and it will also bring quite difficult trials for my husband and for our mutual love.

I hope and also believe that my husband and I will be able to go through these trials,

when that day comes.

I have all reasons to be happy as my beloved husband also accepts my view that I can feel love for two as long as my true love for my husband is at least as strong as before.

My husband gives me his support and he does not prevent me from having this experience of falling in love in a hot way with my black lover.

But I am also quite convinced that one fact for my beloved husband to accept all this is that my lover is a man with dark skin color.

In my husband's eyes, and bearing in mind that everyone always sees things from their own point of view, I am convinced that my white husband judges the risk of losing me forever to be less, when the feelings I develop for another man are for a man with dark skin color.

If my white husband's opinion is right or wrong? I'm probably not the right person to answer this question with certainty...

Hope my words and thoughts can be appreciated by at least someone


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I'd love to see her fucked by a Black Bull and watch her pleasure as he gives her multiple orgasms. I would be their cuck and dress as a femme to please them. She deserves to be fucked by a real man and if the Bull wanted to show his domination of the both of us I would willingly become a cum dump whore for him.

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So much great discussion on this.

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I suppose this is easier for me than most, my experiences led me this way... Most authority has been women, and my first sexual girlfriend already had a fulltime boyfriend, I was there because she wanted more. I was sleeping on her couch to keep her loyalty. My first wife and I were married for 7 yrs, I cheated on her, and spending time with the neighbor, she joined his religion before leaving me. I don't see relationships like "happily ever after", and if things change, thats only natural. They say you have to fight for a marriage, but I say you have to acknowledge what is working, and what limits there are. My next relationship lasted only a year and when I introduced another man to her, she cuckolded me with him for 3 months before leaving me for good.

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